Today Solar Eclipse suryagrahaad day

Suryaedayasamgai surubhaekae eclipse solar eclipse on Wednesday morning in Nepal suryaedayasamgai khandagrasa is dekhiekae.

According to the calendar of Nepal jury Touch eclipse started at 5 pm were also congratulated Nepal 6 57 22 Sunrise congratulated because then the world has accepted dekhiekae.
Other parts of Nepal visvakae khandagrasa receive only dekhiekae many dekhiekae event. Nepal congratulated 2 minutes, ending the eclipse 7 bhaisakekae event.

Nepal estronaemikala saesaitile bhaktapurakae eclipse viewing program in the morning, even nagarakaetabata rakhekae event. According to the president Suresh Bhattarai saesaitika nangae eclipse should not be seen directly because aamkhale picks bhaekae organization telescope and look after wearing special glasses prakarakae the world has milaekae.

Nepal and other parts of esiyakae dekhiekae receive:

Nepal estronaemikala saesaitile nagarakaetabata eclipse drawn. Photo Courtesy: Nepal estronaemikala saesaiti

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